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CWL is in the business of providing electric, water, and wastewater services for its customers. Unlike most things you buy, you pay for your utility services after they are used. Therefore, it is the policy of CWL to require deposits from its new customers. How timely you pay your bill establishes your credit history. Prompt payment will help you establish and maintain a satisfactory credit record with CWL. More than two credit entries in a twelve month period is considered an unsatisfactory credit record and could result in additional deposits.

CWL will bill customers for electric, water, and wastewater provided by CWL. Electric and water meters are read monthly. However, occasionally meters are estimated due to inclement weather or other reasons.

Customers are mailed a bill each month for these services. The city is divided into several billing cycles and the due date of your bill will be based on the area in which you live. Bills are current for eighteen (18) days from the mailout date. If the bill is not paid by the “Pay Before Date”, the bill is considered past due or in arrears. When a bill is past due, a final notice is mailed extending the payment for another six (6) days. If the bills are not paid by this date, the service is subject to disconnection.

Online Payment Extensions

Request Payment Extension, May be unavailable during regular maintenance windows.


If the service is disconnected, the bill, deposit, and a reconnection charge must be paid before service will be reconnected. The reconnection fee will vary depending on when the bill is paid, the time service is reconnected, and if damage to CWL property or equipment is involved.

Delayed Payment Agreement

Delayed Payment Agreement will be considered by contacting our Credit Office.

Third Party Notifications

This program allows for a third party to receive a copy of a designated customer’s final notice. For more information please contact our Customer Service Department.

Budget Billing Program

CWL residential customers with a twelve month history and commercial customers with a three year history who have had service at the same location and have established a satisfactory payment record may apply for our budget billing program. A customer is billed the same amount each month and in October of each year CWL adjusts the budget amount for the next twelve months. For additional information please call 930-3300.

Sales Tax Exemption

CWL customers whose income does not exceed $12,000 can be Sales Tax Exempt on the first 500 KWH they use each month. You may apply for this exemption at CWL’s main office.

Prompt payment will help you establish and maintain a satisfactory credit record with CWL.